

Non-Sequiturs: 01.19.16

* The most difficult thing to inherit may just be an Apple ID -- a widow is told by the technology behemoth she needs a court order to continue playing her games on a jointly owned iPad. [Digital Passing] * Your trusty Bluebook is going to need some help if it is going to continue to be the bane of law students' existence. [Harvard Crimson] * Is it too much to ask for a picture of RBG playing Xbox? A class action over Xbox's tendency to scratch discs heads to the Supreme Court. [Forbes] * Orrick is casting its lot with the energy market -- they are opening up a Houston office with the addition of 20 new partners. [WSJ Law Blog] * Is threatening someone with blackmail merely a courtesy? [Associates Mind] * ATL managing editor David Lat will be in San Francisco next month, and you're cordially invited to meet him at this cocktail reception and Supreme Ambitions (affiliate link) book signing. [FBANC via Eventbrite]